Since a couple of days, we observed on the surface of the ocean some yellowish agglomerates which to us resemble a kind of algae. At the beginning it was just. read more…
“Only” 450 nauticalmiles are in between us and land in Barbados! In the last 2 days we are getting advantage of 20-25 knots of constant wind that is letting us. read more…
Category: EN
100 nautical miles to go!
If all goes well tomorrow in the late morning we will land in Barbados!!!
The mistery of the algae
Since a couple of days, we observed on the surface of the ocean some yellowish agglomerates which to us resemble a kind of algae. At the beginning it was just. read more…
450 miles to go
“Only” 450 nauticalmiles are in between us and land in Barbados! In the last 2 days we are getting advantage of 20-25 knots of constant wind that is letting us. read more…